When you are constantly feeling tired and fatigued, you may begin to wonder if being tired is simply the way you were meant to go through life. However, tiredness should be a temporary feeling, not a permanent one.
Therefore, if you have been feeling tired for a prolonged period of time, get to know some of the conditions that can cause chronic fatigue. Then, you can talk to your doctor and figure out what is going on with your health, so you can get better as soon as possible.
Anemia is a blood condition in which a person does not have enough red blood cells. Because of the lack of healthy red blood cells, the blood is incapable of carrying enough oxygen to the rest of the cells throughout the body.
When there is not enough oxygen in the cells, a person can suffer numerous symptoms. Many people feel dizzy or lightheaded, especially during exercise. And even more often, a person feels regular and continuous fatigue. The fatigue occurs because the cells cannot function as well as they should without oxygen.
There are many different types of anemia with different causes. Two of the most common are iron-deficient and vitamin-deficient anemia.
Both of these conditions can be treated with supplements and dietary changes to increase the levels of vitamins and/or iron in the body. Other forms of anemia may require medical management and treatment, and because of this, you need to work with your doctor to diagnose and treat your anemia.
Depression or Anxiety
Many people do not realize that mental health disorders like anxiety and depression can cause physical symptoms in addition to the mental and emotional ones. One of the biggest physical symptoms of both conditions is fatigue.
Anxiety can cause fatigue because the stress of constant worrying and panic can just lead the mind and the body to feel worn out and tired. Depression, on the other hand, makes a person feel tired and fatigued because the person feels powerless and helpless and therefore, listless as well.
You can manage the fatigue associated with depression and anxiety in a few different ways. Prescription mental health drugs can improve upon the chemical imbalances in the brain that cause the conditions. Additionally, therapy and mental health counseling can help a person develop coping mechanisms to deal with fatigue and other symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.
Thyroid Problems
The thyroid is a gland found in the neck that controls metabolism and growth in the body. When it malfunctions, either by secreting too much or too little of the thyroid hormone, the person will experience a variety of symptoms.
In both hypothyroidism (too little hormone) and hyperthyroidism (too much hormone), a person might experience fatigue, though it is more common in people that have hypothyroidism. Both conditions are treatable. In the case of hypothyroidism, a daily pill medication can help to replace the missing hormone.
For hyperthyroidism, medications may be given. Radioactive iodine is one of the main treatments for hyperthyroidism and is an oral medicine administered in a doctor's office. It works by accumulating in the thyroid gland and shrinking the gland over time.
If medication treatments do not help to reduce the thyroid hormone production, surgery to remove the gland is possible. Once the gland is removed, the treatment protocol will then be to take hormone replacements to avoid hypothyroidism.
Knowing these possible causes of your constant fatigue, you can be sure that you consult with your doctor and get the care and treatment you need to manage your condition. With any luck, the right treatment will do away with your fatigue issues.