A nosebleed is never convenient. It can occur at any time, and it can turn into a serious concern if you are away from home when it happens. Trying to find a solution to your nosebleed problem may be difficult. However, if you pay attention to the symptoms, you may help your doctor diagnose the problem.
Your nosebleeds may be linked to any of these problems. If you experience nosebleeds on a regular basis, it is important that you bring these concerns to a medical professional. The issue could be more serious than you believe.
Dry Nasal Passage
Dry nasal passages are caused by a number of circumstances, ranging from central air conditioning to dusty air. Just like much of the rest of your skin, dryness can lead to cracking, discomfort and bleeding. Your nose is no different.
These types of nosebleeds are typically resolved with a humidifier and drinking lots of fluids. The goal is to prevent the nose passage from drying out. Steams and wet wipes can help prevent drying. Avoid becoming dehydrated.
Being Hit in the Nose
Any kind of blow to the nose may result in bleeding, whether it occurred during football, basketball, baseball or even when you weren't playing a sport. The bleeding is a result of blood vessels becoming damaged in the nose, which causes them to rupture and bleed.
If the nose continues to bleed or the amount of blood is significant, you'll need to seek medical treatment. This is especially the case because such an injury could lead to a broken nose that requires urgent medical care.
Colds and Allergies
Much of the time, swelling and mucus build-up in the nose causes nosebleeds. When you try to blow the mucus out of your nose, you may burst a blood vessel, or you may simply dry out your nasal passages, which we've already addressed as contributing to a bloody nose.
The best cure for these nosebleeds is to prevent colds and allergies. If you already have a cold or an allergic reaction, it is also smart to blow your nose less often. You may also be able to take prescribed medications to prevent severe allergic reactions. It is wise to seek medical treatment if you have bloody noses caused by allergies, especially if the bleeding lasts 20 minutes or longer.
Low Platelet Count
If you have a low platelet count, it means that your blood has a difficult time clotting when you bleed. When the blood doesn't clot properly, you may find yourself losing a lot of blood even if you are facing a simple cut or scrape. This makes a nosebleed serious.
Conditions related to low platelet count may lead to nosebleeds. These conditions include types of cancer. If you have one of these conditions and experience frequent nosebleeds, you need to discuss the issue with your doctor to find preventative measures - and if you get a nosebleed that won't quit, see a doctor right away.
Deviated Septum
Deviated septums are linked to a number of issues, including difficult breathing and bleeding. A deviated septum occurs when the septum, or middle wall, of the nose is off-center. This makes the nose asymmetrical. This problem is often caused by injury but is not always - it may be hereditary.
Many patients undergo surgery to treat a deviated septum, particularly if there is a lot of pain. This is something you can discuss with your doctor.
Hampstead Medical Center PC may be able to help you with medical conditions related to nosebleeds. There are many serious issues associated with nosebleeds, so discussing symptoms may find the root of the problem.