Doctors appointments are sometimes stressful for children, but they often can't be avoided. Visits can make children nervous, especially when a child is sick. The next time you're taking an ill and anxious child to the doctor, use these tips to make the appointment a bit smoother for everyone involved.
Understand the Why Behind Your Child's Apprehension
From an adult perspective, a child's apprehension towards the doctor can seem out of place. However, it is helpful to understand the cause of the child's fear in order to address his or her concerns. There are many potential reasons, including exposure to graphic medical TV shows, discomfort experienced during a previous procedure, and foreignness of the office.
Also, a child's imagination comes into play. Children may have unrealistic expectations of a doctor's appointment that drives their fear. Invite kids to share their worries and the thoughts driving their fear of the doctor in order to give them a better understanding of what to expect.
Explain the Reason for Your Child's Visit
It's difficult for children to understand the purpose of visiting a doctor, especially if it's a regular checkup without a tangible reason for the child to see the need for a doctor. During these times, let the child ask questions about the importance of the visit.
Relay any difficult questions they ask to doctors and nurses for an opportunity for children to converse with them. Allow the doctor to explain the answer and preface what the child will experience, like the feeling of a rough tongue dispenser or the touch of a cold stethoscope. This will build rapport and take away some shock factor.
Prepare Your Child for Shots
Certain things during a doctor's appointment may trigger a child's fear, such as shots. Shots generally conflict discomfort on a child. Help manage the stress by letting the child know beforehand when a shot is going to be administered.
When they get a shot, engage the child in attempts to distract from the anticipation and pain. Keep the child from watching the needle enter his or her arm. You can tell jokes, talking about enjoyable activities, playing a game, etc. Be present with children during these times for comfort or a hand to squeeze.
Validate and Comfort Your Child's Emotion
Validation is crucial to address children's worries about doctors. Help them to feel reassured by allowing them to be heard and understood. Parents, who relate to their children's fears, become a role model. Since children see how they have overcome those fears, parents can offer support to anxious children to empower them to do the same.
Some appointments are likely to be more stressful than others. During these visits, allow a child to bring along something comforting from home, such as a favorite stuffed animal or toy. It gives the child a safety blanket to have during moments of uneasiness.
Play Doctor with Your Child
In a comfortable environment, encourage children to play the role of a doctor. Parents, siblings, pets, or stuffed animals can be the patients. Make the connection that just as the child works to heal his or her patients for their wellbeing, the child's doctor does the same. It is another point of relation between a child and a doctor.
When a child pretends to be a doctor, it can humanize doctors in a child's mind. The medical world is challenging for adults to understand, let alone children. So breaking down barriers that alienate a doctor from a child can break down some of the child's fear of the doctor.
There are many ways to decrease stress during a doctor's appointment. In tandem with these tips, it is important to find medical centers that ease the process of a doctor's appointment for a child.
Contact us at Hampstead Medical Center PC to address child health care concerns, from regular check-ups to exams to vaccines, in a caring and professional manner.