Your heart is a hard-working organ that is the lifeblood of your existence. Because heart disease is a leading cause of death among adults, you need to consider how to maintain optimal heart health. Lifestyle changes may be necessary to achieve better heart health. In addition, your physician may have suggestions at your next physical examination.
Follow these tips to keep your ticker in top shape.
1. Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet
The old adage that states "you are what you eat" isn't something you should dismiss. According to the experts, your diet may have significance in heart health. While it may be difficult to find time for a well-balanced diet, you owe it to your heart to try to make the right choices.
Think about foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties, such as fresh berries and green, leafy vegetables. Veggies may protect the vessels in your heart, while providing antioxidants as well. Also, you may know that high cholesterol has a negative effect on heart health. Try to add more grains into your diet (especially oatmeal), as doing so may help lower cholesterol.
You should probably eat more fish as well. Fish that contains omega-3 would be a heart-healthy choice. Omega-3 seafood may help keep blood pressure in check and lower cholesterol, too. Some types of nuts, such as walnuts and almonds may also be beneficial for heart health.
2. Get Up and Moving
If you've been living a sedentary lifestyle, you may need to change your routine. Regular physical activity and exercise helps to keep the heart strong and functional. Routine exercise may also help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity which may place strain on the heart.
Beginners should start off slowly, by taking a brisk daily walk or some low-impact activity. If you enjoy the water, swimming is also an excellent activity. Ask your doctor which form of exercise is best for you.
3. Keep Stress Levels Down
If you don't learn how to control stress, your heart health may be at risk. Stress affects the health in many ways. When you're feeling overwhelmed by stress, your heart rate may rise and blood pressure elevates as well. Besides watching your diet and getting regular exercise, consider other ways to lower stress levels.
Set aside some time each day or once a week, devoted entirely to something you enjoy. It might be going to the movies or to see a live concert. Take up a hobby or sport if it makes you happy. Even reading a book or listening to music can relieve tension for many.
Most of all, try not to become burdened by situations you cannot change or from life's little annoyances. Reducing stress isn't all that hard if you think about it.
4. Recognize the Signs of Heart Problems
Recognizing the signs of heart trouble is essential. If you notice unusual symptoms, visit your doctor and have it checked out. Meanwhile, familiarize yourself with red flag warning signs of heart trouble.
Tightness in the chest or shortness of breath, especially during inactivity, is something to be concerned about. If you're frequently tired and fatigued, something may be going on with your heart. An ongoing cough may also be a sign of heart trouble. If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.
5. Have Routine Wellness Exams
Don't wait until you feel poorly to see the doctor. Keep your heart healthy by visiting your physician for routine checkups. Your doctor may check your cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight. If adjustments or changes need to be made, your doctor will inform you.
As a general rule, before making changes to your diet and exercise routine, consult
your physician.